Saturday, October 31, 2009

Psychology in Predatory Lending

More about how credit card companies do what they do.

Article here.

Via Boing Boing.

Parenting Literature

Readings on Ambivalent Parenting
Thought you might find this of amusement.

If Your Kid Eats This Book, Everything Will Still Be Okay - parenting book full of things you don't need to worry about
And this to be of general interest and possibly reassurance.


The Uglies - Free PDF

This was pointed out on Boing Boing. It's no longer available at the link they pointed out, but it can still be found here.

Thought that a searchable text version might come in handy at some point.


The Millitary Industrial Complex vs. Powerpoint

Writing in the Armed Forces Journal, retired Marine T.X. Hammes excoriates PowerPoint and its impact on decision-making in the military.

More at Boing Boing (or even more here).


Psapp - Hi

The Adventures of Li'l Cthulhu

Friday, October 23, 2009


A guide to writing for a living, and/or a lifestyle.

Given one of your possible intended choices of profession this book might be of interest.

Superflat Monogram

Basically a Louis Vuitton commercial, but cute.

Watcher note: To improve the video quality significantly take the following steps:
1. Expand the video to full screen.
2. Start the video playing then immediately stop it.
3. An icon labeled "HQ" will appear in the bottom corner of the video. Click that "HQ" icon.
4. Click play again to start the video.