Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

ZOMG-bies in RPGs (etc.)

A wide variety of RPGs represent zombies in one way or another. Upon request I could supply some information about how zombies are or could be represented in various generic and/or rules-lite systems. The following are a few of the better known representations:

D&D Zombies - from d20 v. 3.5.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten - Wikipedia entry and reviews.

World of Darkness Zombies
  • Zombie: the Coil - IIRC Old World of Darkness fan supplement.
  • Promethean: The Created - New World of Darkness gameline. Prometheans aren't exactly zombies or golems, but sort of Frankenstein-ish monsters. Wikipedia entry here, review here.

Lovecraftian zombies:

Penny Arcade - The Emporer's Littering Agenda

For the record: a link to that story dad story about a father and son playing Star Wars.



Facebook Games and the Military-Industrial Complex

Just thought you might like to know that your Farmville produce is going to feed the dogs of war.

At least according to this article on India's use of ghost chilis.


Crayons please!

The Avatar Variations

(via Boing Boing)


The Avatar 2 trailer

(via Dirty Russia)


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hatin' on the Violas

Goodnight Forest Moon

(Click image for more.)

Via Boing Boing.


The end of Ariel's less well known first forray into mer/human romance.

Don't let his intentions fool you just because he works for a place called "Sea Org".

A: a cow.

This handy website can tell you where your milk comes from:

Where is my milk from?

Via Boing Boing.


They're Made Out of Meat

This is from a pretty famous short story, one that is pure dialogue with no narration. As far as I know they translated it the script for this movie without any modification:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gunnerkrigg Court

A webcomic you might find of interest:

Link here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

B00ty Call

I think you ARRRRR going to like this story:

Captain Blood's B00ty

Via Boing Boing.