Sunday, October 10, 2010

Smells Like Sesame Spirit

Sesame Street/Old Spice parody.

(I know you've seen it, but just for future reference.)

Bad news for your dissertation

Prognostications which might make the subject matter irrelevant:

28) It will become harder to view your life as “a story”

The way we define our sense of self will continue to morph via new ways of socializing. The notion of your life needing to be a story will seem slightly corny and dated. Your life becomes however many friends you have online.


30) Some existing medical conditions will be seen as sequencing malfunctions


Dysfunctional mental states stem from malfunctions in the brain's sequencing capacity. One commonly known short-term sequencing dysfunction is dyslexia. People unable to sequence over a slightly longer term might be “not good with directions.” The ultimate sequencing dysfunction is the inability to look at one's life as a meaningful sequence or story.

- Douglas Coupland, A Radical Pessimist's Guide to the Next 10 Years

Via Boing Boing.
