Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby Moral Development

You may know about this already, but thought you might find it of interest:




Apparently Tyra Banks is writing fantasy now.


(Via Boing Boing)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

RPG Humor

It helps to have a little background here: Vecna was a lich (an evil wizard who used his power to prolong his life after death) who went on to become a god. Along the way Vecna lost an eye and a hand. These lost body parts became powerful magical artifacts.

Which brings us to the tale of:

The Head of Vecna

The Gazebo
This is a pretty old story. I think I might have even read about it in college. Read on for:

The Dread Gazebo

The Gamers

Dorkness Rising is the movie I was watching.

The Gamers is it's lower budget predecessor (watchable on line though).